Who we are ?

Essay Practice Platform (EPP) has been providing Aspirants with top notch Essay Writing Practices Services. Starting as a small team of dedicated writers. EPP has grown into a thriving company with a diverse team of experts in a wide range in the field of competitive exams.

Currently EPP has a team of multiple editors, experienced mentors and selected candidates.

Our commitment to excellence, innovation and customers satisfaction has earned us a reputation as a leading provider of high-quality essay writing services.

Today, EPP proudly serve thousands of Aspirants of UPSC Civil Services Examination, State Civil Services Examinations, Judiciary Services Examinations and like others.

Our Values

Customised Service

EPP recognizes that every exam has it’s own way of essay question, length of writing and assessment method. That’s why EPP provides practice strategies to fit each exam’s requirements and crafting a unique experience just for them.


EPP offers a fast simple way to get registered and stored. Signing up takes second, questions are answered swiftly and results are guaranteed.


With every exam we provide practice, we strive to perfect our craft. We have improved with each practice batch all in an effort to provide a better experience for the thousands of students who come seeking help


Our expert team is dedicated to helping customers find the perfect writing practice solutions for their needs. With a range of experienced, professionals. We make sure everyone gets just what they need.

Contact us:

Email: essaypracticeplatform@gmail.com
Contact: +91- 800- 453- 0011 | 800- 463- 0011
For Urgency: +91- 800- 413- 0008